
Offering Traditional, Clear, Invisalign

Traditional Braces, Clear Braces, Plastic Braces

All About Braces, Braces, and More Braces

An Introduction to Braces

If you are frustrated due to teeth alignment issues then you are not alone. It takes 43 muscles to frown but only 17 to smile. However, according to reports, more than one-third of the US population aren’t satisfied with their smiles. Why? Because of teeth alignment problems.

Crooked teeth, crowded teeth, uneven teeth and jaw alignment issues can compromise the aesthetics of your mouth by ruining your smile, while also causing pain when eating. Other than this, it can also lead to teeth grinding.

Here’s where cosmetic dentistry comes into play. According to stats, the number of people going for clear braces has risen by about 177% in the last few years. This huge jump is due to more and more people understanding the need to have a perfect smile and also due to these procedures becoming easier and more affordable.

While aesthetics is one, the second most common reason why people choose braces is because of problems in eating. Overbites and underbites are painful and braces can resolve these issues as well.

If you feel under confident every time you talk, smile or eat then do not worry. Avon Dental Round Lake is here to help you, because we care for your teeth as much as you do.

We have the finest dental practitioners at our office to guarantee you the best and most secure treatment when it comes to improving the aesthetics and comfort of your teeth and your smile.

What are Braces?

Braces are devices used to correct the position of your teeth. They are made up of brackets, arch wires, buccal tube, spacers, elastic rubber bands and springs and fit right inside your mouth to slowly position your teeth in a proper manner.

The brackets are small squares that are placed on each tooth and are tied to the orthodontic bands. Different kinds of braces use different kinds of brackets.

Here is a quick list of the most common types of brackets:

  1. METAL brackets (most visible ones)
  2. CERAMIC (can be the same color as the tooth, thus less visible)
  3. STAINLESS steel (visible)
  4. TRANSPARENT brackets (almost invisible).

The function of these brackets is to hold the arch wires that move the position of the teeth. Arch wires are tiny linings that run along the teeth. They can be metallic, ceramic (same colored as the tooth) or transparent, depending upon the type of brace you choose.

There are also other components which support the entire brace once they are in place. All of these components work together to position, align, and provide greater comfort and aesthetics.

Now that you are familiar with all the component of braces, let’s discuss all the different types of braces.

Metal Braces and Benefits?

Braces Avon dental round lakeThese are made up of stainless steel and are visible in the mouth when you talk, smile or eat. While they do work in aligning the teeth in place, they are not widely used today due to some reasons such as:

  1. Uncomfortable to wear.
  2. Can’t remove them when eating or brushing.
  3. The process is a bit painful.

How Much Do Metal Braces Cost at Avon Dental Round Lake?

The cost of getting metal braces is between $3000-$7000, depending upon how many brackets are needed and the complexity of the case.

There’s no bargain on the quality, and the procedure is carried out by our expert doctor, Our Dentists or Dr. Sumehda. Call 847.740.4600 today to book an appointment

 or to get a quote.

Our Metal Braces Treatment Involve

Our dentist will first inspect your teeth, take X-rays and look at the complexity of your particular case.

First, we will use a cheek reactor to remove the cheek from around your teeth. This will give us a clearer look. Your teeth will then be cleaned thoroughly so that no debris is present. Next, your dentist will dry your teeth and apply a bonding agent (glue) so that the brackets are placed firmly on each tooth that require straightening.

Once the brackets are attached to the teeth, the position of each bracket is strengthened using high intensity light. The cheek retractor will then be removed so that the arch wires can be put in place.

The entire procedure will take about 15-20 minutes.

Once done, you may have a bit of tightness in the teeth which may turn into soreness. This is because the arch wires immediately start their job of putting pressure on the teeth.  Your teeth are already moving you just can’t see it. As they move due to this new pressure, you may experience some soreness.

While in 90% of all cases no medication is needed, we may recommend a mild pain reliever such as Aspirin or Ibuprofen. For more sensitive patients with complex straightening cases we might suggest a stronger pain reliever.

This procedure is common and children can also handle it quite well. The pain will ward off in about 6 hours. Also, keep in mind that metal braces are non-removable.

Benefits Of Metal Braces


Unlike many other teeth straightening treatment options, metal braces are strong and durable. This is because they consist of brackets that are made up of durable material that does not break easily.


They are quite affordable, especially when compared to other alternatives. Plus, your insurance may also cover a part of the cost. We at Avon Dental Round Lake accept most insurances. For a list of insurances please call our office at 847.740.4600.


It’s up to you to choose the color of the elastics. You will have the freedom to personalize your metal brackets so that you can smile with

Fast Treatment:

It can take up to 6 months to 2 years to complete the treatment, depending upon how complex your case is. Metal braces can treat overbites, underbites and different kind of teeth complexities.

Ceramic Braces and Benefits?

Braces Transparent

Ceramic braces are the real deal and a much better option if you’re concerned with flaunting your metal braces.

Ceramic braces can be the same color as your teeth or made up of a see-through material so that they blend in well with your teeth.

Moreover, we can take your dental impression and prepare a ceramic brace as per the size of your individual teeth so that they don’t look too big or too small.

How Much Do Ceramic Braces Cost At Avon Dental Round Lake?

The are made up of porcelain, plastic or clear brackets (you choose), and the cost can vary between $4000 to $8000, depending largely on the material that you choose.


Our Treatment Involves

Our dentists will take a look at your teeth to determine the extent to which your teeth require straightening. This will be done by taking X-rays.

It’s up to you to pick the type of ceramic braces you want. You can either choose a completely translucent brace that’s made up of a see-through material or ceramic (same color as your teeth).

The doctor will clean your teeth and get rid of food leftovers and stains. A conditioner (harmless) will be applied, if needed, for 30 seconds. Your teeth will then be washed and air dried.

A bonding agent will be applied to make the brackets set on the teeth firmly and take a solid position. These brackets will then be attached to arch wires with the help of specialized rubber bands.

The arch wires can also be given the same color as your teeth to make them blend well with the teeth. They are a better option than metal braces since they are nearly invisible.

Benefits Of Ceramic Braces

Blends Well With The Teeth: Unlike metal braces, ceramic braces blend in with the teeth like a white magnet on the white refrigerator. It’s up to you to choose either clear braces (translucent) or ceramic braces (same color as your teeth).

Durable: Not as strong as the metal braces but they are still quite durable and don’t break off easily. As for the arch wire, it can be frosted or made with silver to enhance aesthetics.

Treats Quickly: It can take around 1 – 2 years to complete the treatment. Bite problems and teeth positioning problems can be treated with these braces.

Lingual Braces and Benefits?

If both metal braces and ceramic braces don’t row your boat and you’re still worried about the visibility of your braces then lingual braces are for you. What’s so different about them? They are fitted on the backside of the teeth, completely hidden.

They are often also called inside braces since they are planted at the backside of the teeth but they do the same work as other conventional braces do.

How Much Do Lingual Braces Cost At Avon Dental Round Lake?

Since they involve reverse positioning, only our experienced professional staff of dentists can do this correctly. We have Our Dentists to carry out a smooth, safe and painless procedure. The cost of getting lingual braces is between $8000 to $10000 depending on several factors.

Our Treatment Involves

One of our experienced orthodontist in Round Lake Beach will take a dental impression of both your upper and lower jaws using a tray containing impression putty. A customized lingual brace will then be prepared based on the impression.

The brackets are made by sizing individual tooth in your mouth to make a brace that fits firmly. These brackets are then attached with arch wires using robotic wiring.

After this, you will be called for the fixing in about 4 weeks.

Bonding agent will be applied at the back of each tooth and the customized brace will be placed in position. The dentist will then take an applicator tray and press it for a few minutes so that the brackets hold their ground on each tooth.

Once the bonding agent is set, the tray will be removed. Excessive bonding agent will be scraped off. The arch wires will then be connected in place.

Benefits Of Lingual Braces

Not Visible: They are hard to notice because they are fitted behind the teeth.

Not Visible:

Not Visible: Due to the fact that they are placed behind the teeth, no stain marks are made on the frontside of the teeth.

Straightens Teeth In Less Time: According to studies, lingual braces treat different issues in about 22% of all cases.

Invisalign Braces and Benefits?

Braces - Invisalign

Another invisible method of treating misaligned teeth is Invisalign. Invisalign treatment is the process of wearing a series of clear, removable aligners that gradually straighten your teeth. They include no brackets and wires, and none of the restrictions that come with metal braces. These aligners are undetectable due to their transparency.

Invisalign clear aligners are made of flexible plastic — specifically, a patented thermoplastic material called

SmartTrack® created exclusively for Invisalign treatment.

Once you approve your plan, your unique aligners will be created. You will wear each set of aligners for 20 to 22 hours a day, changing to a new set of aligners every 1 to 2 weeks, as directed by one of our orthodontists.

Each set of aligners will gently and gradually shift your teeth into place, according to your treatment plan, until you reach your beautiful new smile.

How Much Does Invisalign Cost At Avon Dental Round Lake?

You can get invisalign fixed to your teeth for as low as $3500.

Our Treatment Involves

Your dentist will create a unique, digital treatment plan that maps out the exact movements of your teeth. Your Invisalign clear aligners are then designed to apply the right amount of force to the right place at the right time based on your plan. Your dentist will be with you every step of the way to monitor your progress and ensure your aligners fit correctly.

Based on the impression taken, a set of aligners will be prepared in about 4 weeks. The set will then be placed in your mouth after carefully cleaning the teeth.

The aligners will be replaced every 4 weeks.

Benefits Of Invisalign

Fastest Treatment: It only takes 6 to 18 months for Invisalign to completely straighten your teeth. However, they may not be suitable for very complex cases.

Invisible: Invisalign clear aligners are virtually invisible — people may not even notice you’re wearing them.

Removable: You can remove them to eat and drink, to brush and floss, or for special occasions. Also, it is very easy to place them back. This makes it very easy to use them.

Comfortable: No metal or ceramic is used to make the aligners. Invisalign aligners are made up of plastic which is very comfortable when placed in the mouth.

No Emergencies: There are no metal brackets or wires that could irritate your mouth or break, sending you to your dentist for an emergency visit.

Risk Associated with Braces

Risk Associated with Braces

There are little to no complications in case of dental braces and people of all ages can undergo the process.

While a relapse is a possibility it is not very common. The process is easy and pain-free. However, patients may feel slight discomfort, especially in the beginning in case of metal braces, but this goes away with time as you get used to wearing braces.

But, one serious concern is periodontal disease and cavities that may appear if you fail to brush properly as braces can prevent that from happening. This is why you must visit your dentist regularly so that such diseases can be prevented before they occur.

Quick Definition of Braces?

Orthdontics: known as braces, orthodontic cases, or cases) are devices used in orthodontics that align and straighten teeth and help position them with regard to a person’s bite, while also aiming to improve dental health.

Two Main Choices

For More Serious Cases

Traditional Braces

Used for more complicated straightening cases where stronger bonds are required. The clear option provides the strength of traditional braces along with the clear semi-transluency expected today. For more seroius cases. 


For Less Serious Cases

Invisalign Braces

The most descrete form of braces.  These braces are nearly invisible and are typically used for mild or less serious cases. They are meant for less serious cases. 


$500 Off

Offering Braces in Traditional, Clear, or Invisalign Orthodontic

A free full orthodontic consultation is required to see which straightening option will work best for you.

Offering Braces in Traditional, Clear, or Invisalign Orthodontic

$500 Off

A free full orthodontic consultation is required to see which straightening option will work best for you.

Make An Appointment

Make An Appointment

Add Your Style With Colored Bands (Pink, Orange, Green, Blue)

Traditional Braces

Braces can correct crooked and crowded teeth, a misaligned bite, and jaw problems. Braces also eliminate problems you may have with eating, speaking properly, or with keeping your teeth clean. With advancements in dental technology, traditional braces are now sleeker, smaller, and more comfortable. 

Traditional braces consist of standard metal brackets that are placed on your teeth with an adhesive and connected by wire. They require periodic tightening so steady pressure can gradually straighten your teeth and align your jaw. While metal braces brackets are still the most common, there are various other treatment options available. Read below to learn more about traditional braces and how you can customize them to fit your lifestyle.

Hide the Metal With Ceramic Clear Aligners

Clear Braces

The benefits of clear braces became evident as growing numbers of adult patients began to pursue care. Adults were now able to improve the appearance and function of their smile without attaching the stigma of a metal mouth. These new aligners could be removed for eating meals and dental hygiene home care; afterward, they could be placed back in the mouth to continue tooth movement. The result of this process was two-fold: First, patients gained confidence from teeth that looked better; second, oral health was improved through properly aligned teeth.

Straighter teeth are healthier in form and function. Bacteria, plaque acids and impacted food particals are the contributing factors to dental decay and gum disease. Teeth that are in alignment gather less plaque simply because they are easier to clean with proper brushing and flossing techniques. The gums fit the teeth more snugly when the teeth do not overlap, leading to a decreased risk of triggers for the inflammatory process that results in periodontal disease. Periodontal disease has been proven to contribute to other systemic illnesses, so straighter teeth not only contribute to a healthy mouth but can contribute to a healthier body.

Get Your Teath Straightened 2X Faster (see page)

Invisalign braces

Invisalign provides you a clear and comfortable way to straighten your teeth.  In fact, Invisalign aligners are almost invisible. Invisalign is made of smooth plastic, so your mouth won’t get poked by wires.  Take the aligners out for easy cleaning.  Best of all, you can eat whatever you want.  You don’t have to worry about food choices because Invisalign is a removable straightening solution.

“I was so happy when I got my braces done with Dr. Patel.  I noticed immediately that I could hardly see my braces.  Other didn’t recognize it either.  I liked the fact that I could take them out when I needed to and clean my teeth.”

A Teen Compliant Braces Solution

Invisalign Teenbraces

Lunch with friends? Popcorn at the movies? The sports you love? With removable clear aligners, you can continue to enjoy your favorite meals AND keep playing the sports you love – no timeouts needed.

We have your solutions at our offices.

A Branded Clear Braces Solution


Why settle for the limitations of traditional clear braces or invisible aligners like Invisalign1 when there’s Damon Clear?

Virtually invisible, Damon Clear has clear advantages over traditional braces and aligners. Damon Clear is part of the innovative Damon System, which combines tieless braces with high technology archwires that are clinically proven to move teeth fast and comfortably with truly spectacular smile and facial results.

Available from skilled orthodontists, Damon Clear combines the best of traditional clear braces and invisible aligners to deliver a discrete treatment experience with results that go beyond straight teeth.

Behind The Teeth Braces


  • The Incognito™ Appliance System features fully customized brackets, archwires and bonding trays to deliver predictable, efficient and effective treatment outcomes.
  • Designed to help orthodontists service the growing patient demand for invisible, comfortable and convenient care.
  • Makes it easy for patients to smile with confidence during and after treatment.
  • Customized to the unique prescription of each patient, making it easy to treat a wide range of patients and orthodontic case types.
Helps Move Teeth 50% Faster (pair with braces)


What is AcceleDent®?

AcceleDent® Optima™ is the most advanced accelerated orthodontic device with a comprehensive suite of technology driven features. Simple and easy-to-use, AcceleDent Optima is clinically shown to speed up tooth movement by as much as 50% while reducing orthodontic discomfort.


How does AcceleDent work?

AcceleDent Optima’s patented SoftPulse Technology® applies precisely calibrated vibrations called micropulses that transmit through the roots of your teeth to the surrounding bone. This gentle vibration helps increase the cellular activity and speeds the rate in which your teeth can move.

Uses The Bodies Natural Defenses to Move Teeth


Using the bodies defenses helps create an inflamitory response that more rapidly moves teeth.  The procedure requires the application of a small sonic device that stimulates tissue surrounding the tooth. The body responds by sending proteins that create inflammation, thereby puttin g pressure and moving the tooth more rapidly.  This is a suplimentary treatment for speeding up the straightening process and when paired with Acceledent can be extermely effective for quick results. Not recommended for all cases. Proper oral hygien is advise as micro abrasions can result in portals for infection and is not recommended for most cases. 

Add Your Style With Colored Bands (Pink, Orange, Green, Blue)

Traditional Braces

Braces can correct crooked and crowded teeth, a misaligned bite, and jaw problems. Braces also eliminate problems you may have with eating, speaking properly, or with keeping your teeth clean. With advancements in dental technology, traditional braces are now sleeker, smaller, and more comfortable. 

Traditional braces consist of standard metal brackets that are placed on your teeth with an adhesive and connected by wire. They require periodic tightening so steady pressure can gradually straighten your teeth and align your jaw. While metal braces brackets are still the most common, there are various other treatment options available. Read below to learn more about traditional braces and how you can customize them to fit your lifestyle.

Hide the Metal With Ceramic Clear Aligners

Clear Braces

The benefits of clear braces became evident as growing numbers of adult patients began to pursue care. Adults were now able to improve the appearance and function of their smile without attaching the stigma of a metal mouth. These new aligners could be removed for eating meals and dental hygiene home care; afterward, they could be placed back in the mouth to continue tooth movement. The result of this process was two-fold: First, patients gained confidence from teeth that looked better; second, oral health was improved through properly aligned teeth.

Straighter teeth are healthier in form and function. Bacteria, plaque acids and impacted food particals are the contributing factors to dental decay and gum disease. Teeth that are in alignment gather less plaque simply because they are easier to clean with proper brushing and flossing techniques. The gums fit the teeth more snugly when the teeth do not overlap, leading to a decreased risk of triggers for the inflammatory process that results in periodontal disease. Periodontal disease has been proven to contribute to other systemic illnesses, so straighter teeth not only contribute to a healthy mouth but can contribute to a healthier body.

Get Your Teath Straightened 2X Faster (see page)

Invisalign braces

Invisalign provides you a clear and comfortable way to straighten your teeth.  In fact, Invisalign aligners are almost invisible. Invisalign is made of smooth plastic, so your mouth won’t get poked by wires.  Take the aligners out for easy cleaning.  Best of all, you can eat whatever you want.  You don’t have to worry about food choices because Invisalign is a removable straightening solution.

“I was so happy when I got my braces done with Dr. Patel.  I noticed immediately that I could hardly see my braces.  Other didn’t recognize it either.  I liked the fact that I could take them out when I needed to and clean my teeth.”

A Teen Compliant Braces Solution

Invisalign Teenbraces

Lunch with friends? Popcorn at the movies? The sports you love? With removable clear aligners, you can continue to enjoy your favorite meals AND keep playing the sports you love – no timeouts needed.

We have your solutions at our offices.

A Branded Clear Braces Solution


Why settle for the limitations of traditional clear braces or invisible aligners like Invisalign1 when there’s Damon Clear?

Virtually invisible, Damon Clear has clear advantages over traditional braces and aligners. Damon Clear is part of the innovative Damon System, which combines tieless braces with high technology archwires that are clinically proven to move teeth fast and comfortably with truly spectacular smile and facial results.

Available from skilled orthodontists, Damon Clear combines the best of traditional clear braces and invisible aligners to deliver a discrete treatment experience with results that go beyond straight teeth.

Behind The Teeth Braces


  • The Incognito™ Appliance System features fully customized brackets, archwires and bonding trays to deliver predictable, efficient and effective treatment outcomes.
  • Designed to help orthodontists service the growing patient demand for invisible, comfortable and convenient care.
  • Makes it easy for patients to smile with confidence during and after treatment.
  • Customized to the unique prescription of each patient, making it easy to treat a wide range of patients and orthodontic case types.
Helps Move Teeth 50% Faster (pair with braces)

Acceledentsuplimentary device

What is AcceleDent®?

AcceleDent® Optima™ is the most advanced accelerated orthodontic device with a comprehensive suite of technology driven features. Simple and easy-to-use, AcceleDent Optima is clinically shown to speed up tooth movement by as much as 50% while reducing orthodontic discomfort.


How does AcceleDent work?

AcceleDent Optima’s patented SoftPulse Technology® applies precisely calibrated vibrations called micropulses that transmit through the roots of your teeth to the surrounding bone. This gentle vibration helps increase the cellular activity and speeds the rate in which your teeth can move.

Uses The Bodies Natural Defenses to Move Teeth


Using the bodies defenses helps create an inflamitory response that more rapidly moves teeth.  The procedure requires the application of a small sonic device that stimulates tissue surrounding the tooth. The body responds by sending proteins that create inflammation, thereby puttin g pressure and moving the tooth more rapidly.  This is a suplimentary treatment for speeding up the straightening process and when paired with Acceledent can be extermely effective for quick results. Not recommended for all cases. Proper oral hygien is advise as micro abrasions can result in portals for infection and is not recommended for most cases. 

Do I Need Braces?

Do you have. This can cause plaque accumulation which in turn causes tooth decay, bad odor, gum disease, and bone loss around teeth.

Orthodontic treatment at a young age will help align and straighten teeth in order to avoid future oral pain and health issues, and reduce the risk of cavities and gum disease. However, crowding can also be fixed as an adult in order to repair any damage that’s already been caused and to avoid any future problems. 


An openbite is an abnormal bite in which the front teeth do not touch. This may cause: 

  • Difficulty biting
  • Speech problems, such as lisps


An underbite is an abnormal bite in which all the upper front teeth are behind the lower front teeth. This sign is usually associated with disproportionate jaw size and may cause the following issues: 

  • Imbalanced facial appearance
  • Accelerated facial ageing
  • Difficulty biting and chewing


A crossbite is an abnormal bite in which the upper tooth is behind the lower opposing tooth. If left untreated, this problem may cause: 

  • Excessive wear or fracture of both teeth
  • Increased gum recession of the affected teeth
  • Inability to restore fractured or worn teeth
  • Asymmetric jaw growth

Crowding (Can't Get Between Teeth)

Crowding is the most common reason to seek orthodontic treatment, especially in kids.

Crowding basically means that there is insufficient space in the mouth for all the teeth. Without the proper room for all those teeth, the teeth crowd each other resulting in crooked teeth.


An overbite refers to the vertical and horizontal overlap of the front teeth. The severity of the overbite can vary but an overbite is usually noticeable when the front teeth stick out much farther than the bottom teeth. An increased overbite may cause the following issues and oral health problems: 

  • Increased risk of trauma to the front teeth
  • Significantly increase likelihood of fracturing the front teeth in cause of injury
  • Complications and reduced longevity of dental restorative work such as cosmetic fillings, crowns and veneers. 

Do I Need Braces?

Do you have. This can cause plaque accumulation which in turn causes tooth decay, bad odor, gum disease, and bone loss around teeth.

Orthodontic treatment at a young age will help align and straighten teeth in order to avoid future oral pain and health issues, and reduce the risk of cavities and gum disease. However, crowding can also be fixed as an adult in order to repair any damage that’s already been caused and to avoid any future problems. 


An openbite is an abnormal bite in which the front teeth do not touch. This may cause: 

  • Difficulty biting
  • Speech problems, such as lisps


An underbite is an abnormal bite in which all the upper front teeth are behind the lower front teeth. This sign is usually associated with disproportionate jaw size and may cause the following issues: 

  • Imbalanced facial appearance
  • Accelerated facial ageing
  • Difficulty biting and chewing


A crossbite is an abnormal bite in which the upper tooth is behind the lower opposing tooth. If left untreated, this problem may cause: 

  • Excessive wear or fracture of both teeth
  • Increased gum recession of the affected teeth
  • Inability to restore fractured or worn teeth
  • Asymmetric jaw growth

Crowding (Can't Get Between Teeth)

Crowding is the most common reason to seek orthodontic treatment, especially in kids.

Crowding basically means that there is insufficient space in the mouth for all the teeth. Without the proper room for all those teeth, the teeth crowd each other resulting in crooked teeth.


An overbite refers to the vertical and horizontal overlap of the front teeth. The severity of the overbite can vary but an overbite is usually noticeable when the front teeth stick out much farther than the bottom teeth. An increased overbite may cause the following issues and oral health problems: 

  • Increased risk of trauma to the front teeth
  • Significantly increase likelihood of fracturing the front teeth in cause of injury
  • Complications and reduced longevity of dental restorative work such as cosmetic fillings, crowns and veneers. 

</h2>Broken Tooth Extraction</h2>

<p>When you're facing a dental emergency like a broken tooth, quick and effective action is essential. If you have braces or dental implants, sudden tooth extraction can be scary. This article will explain what to do, find a weekend dentist, and keep your mouth healthy.</p>

<h3>Understanding Broken Tooth Extraction</h3>

<p>Removing a damaged or broken tooth to stop pain and problems. The procedure is quick and usually performed by an experienced dentist.</p>

<p>If you experience a broken tooth, it's crucial to seek emergency dental care promptly. If you don't fix a broken tooth, it can cause infections, and strong pain, and may need complicated dental work like implants later.</p>

<p>But what exactly happens during a broken tooth extraction? Let's break it down in simple terms:</p>

<h4>1: Evaluation</h4>

<p>At the dentist appointment, the dentist will check the tooth to determine if it affects the roots or nearby teeth. This may involve taking X-rays to get a better view of the tooth and its positioning in the mouth.<\p>

<p>This may involve removing the tooth. It may also involve doing a root canal or other needed treatments.

The goal is to fix the problem and avoid more issues. The dentist needs to carefully check the situation to decide the best way to fix the patient's oral health.<\p>

<h4>2: Local Anesthesia</h4>

<p>Before the actual extraction, you'll receive local anesthesia to numb the area. This ensures that you won't feel any pain during the procedure. For kids seeking emergency dental extraction, this step is especially important to keep them comfortable.</p>

<h4>3: Tooth Extraction</h4>

<p>With the area numbed, the dentist will proceed to extract the broken tooth. They may need to use special instruments, depending on the tooth's condition.<p>

<h4>4: Post-Extraction Care</h4>

<p>After successfully removing the broken tooth, the dentist will give you instructions for post-extraction care. This may include guidelines on eating, drinking, and keeping the extraction site clean to prevent infection.</p>

<p>Now that you understand the basics of a broken tooth extraction, let's explore some essential aspects you should know:</p>

<h3 id="title-7">Importance of Prompt Action</h3>

<p>Seeking immediate emergency dental extraction can prevent further complications and alleviate pain. If you have braces, clear braces, or dental implants, dealing with the issue quickly helps your orthodontic treatment stay on course.</p>

<p>If you're wondering, 'Can I find nearby dental implants for emergencies' the answer is probably yes. Many dental offices offer emergency dental care, so finding a suitable provider shouldn't be a challenge.</p>

<h3 id="title-8">The Role of Braces and Dental Implants</h3>

<p>If you have braces or dental implants, a broken tooth can be a concern for your treatment. Let's delve into each scenario:</p>

<h4 id="title-9">Braces (Ceramic and Transparent)</h4>

<p>For individuals with ceramic or transparent braces, a broken tooth can be distressing. The brackets and wires are delicate, and a damaged tooth can interfere with the treatment's progress.</p>

<p>If you experience a broken tooth while wearing ceramic or transparent braces, follow these steps:</p>


  <li>Instantly contact your orthodontist or a weekend dentist who specializes in emergency dental care.</li>

  <li>Do not attempt to fix the broken tooth or braces yourself, as this can lead to further damage.</li>

  <li>Until you can see a dentist, be cautious with your diet, avoiding hard or sticky foods that may worsen the situation.</li>


<h4 id="title-10">Dental Implants</h4>

<p>Here's what to do if you have dental implants and experience a broken tooth:</p>


  <li>Contact an emergency dental office or a dentist experienced in handling dental implants immediately.</li>

  <li>Avoid putting pressure on the broken tooth or the implant area to prevent further damage.</li>

  <li>Follow any post-extraction care instructions diligently to ensure the implant's success.</li>


<p>Your dentist will assess the damage and determine the best course of action. In some cases, they may need to remove the broken tooth and plan for a replacement, such as mini dental implants.</p>

<h3 id="title-11">Cost Considerations</h3>

<p>Untreated dental issues can escalate, requiring more extensive and costly procedures.</p>

<p>If you're concerned about money, talk to your dentist about payment and insurance options. Many dental offices offer flexible payment plans to make emergency dental care more accessible.</p>

<h3 id="title-12">Finding a Weekend Dentist</h3>

<p>Dental emergencies can strike at any time, including weekends and holidays. So, how can you find a weekend dentist when you need one?</p>

<p>Here are some tips:</p>


  <li>Check online directories or websites of dental offices near you. Look for those that mention offering weekend appointments or emergency services.</li>

  <li>Consider searching for "kids emergency dentist" if you have children who may require specialized care during emergencies.</li>


<p>It's smart to have the number of an emergency dentist in your phone for urgent situations. This preparation can save you valuable time and reduce stress during a dental emergency.</p>

<h3 id="title-13">Conclusion</h3>

<p>But with the right knowledge and prompt action, you can navigate it effectively. Whether you have braces, clear braces, dental implants, or need a kids' dentist in an emergency, getting help fast is vital.</p>

<p>Remember to reach out to a weekend dentist or emergency dental office as soon as you face a broken tooth. Timely treatment can prevent complications, maintain your orthodontic progress, and safeguard your oral health.</p>

<p>Discuss payment options with your dentist and prioritize your well-being. Your smile is worth the investment.</p>